Saturday 22 December 2012

Doctor's Report

l accept the doctor's report sometimes because their diagnosis prepares me for the battle to end all the illness, having determined to have my life back and enjoying it to its' fullest.

I never let the report get me down rather it gets me started. I ponder on how I got to where I couldn't move on and ask for help to get back on track.

I never let the report determine how I've got to live or how much I've got left. Rather, I begin to make decisions and build my hope on more solid evidences of those who survived the illness.

Yes, there is hope for those who refuse the status quo. There is hope for those who know and choose how long they want to be here.

I've got to live. I've to stay so, someone might have hope too. I've got to fight for as long as the breathe of air remains in me.
And I choose life over death ,hope over loss, joy over pain.

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